As I was talking to the 4 year old about her upcoming party, the 3 year old was standing by listening intently. Finally she interjected herself into the conversation and was interested in knowing if there are birthday parties in "heaben." Now I must tell you, the girls mom has recently been telling them about her father {their grandaddy} who is in heaven. They never got to meet him and because of some pictures of him around their house they've become inquisitive. The 3 year old informed me that her grandaddy sits on the clouds and talks to Jesus. However, for obvious reasons, I couldn't answer her definitively about birthday parties continuing when we get to heaven so I said, "sure there are absolutely celebrations in heaven."
So...this day is my little Mammaws 87th birthday and I can't help but think that since she is now reunited with my Pappaw and is in the presence of Jesus himself, it must truly be a birthday celebration unlike any other. I'm sure there is a feast of all her favorite foods and {like at the 4 year olds birthday party} all her friends that are there with her are surely celebrating as well.
Secretly I too think my Mammaw, Pappaw, & Pa also sit on the clouds and watch down over me. I miss them beyond belief but I see them in my dreams and sometimes can almost reach out and touch them. So you enjoy this birthday Mammaw, it's gonna be the best you ever had! All my love forever...