Sunday, January 29, 2012

32 And Counting...

Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come. --Lucy Larcom

Birthdays are very special milestones in our lives.  We are all born with one and consistently have one each year, whether  celebrated or completely overlooked. Personally, as a child I always anticipated my birthdays.  Being in January, and back 25 or 30 years ago, it actually snowed and upon occasion it snowed enough to ruin any birthday plans/sleepovers that I may have been looking forward to.  But even so, it meant that I was another year older and usually meant I got to open presents, eat cake, and enjoy time with my friends and family.  However, as I grew in years my birthdays somehow seemed less important.  But that inner child inside me still leaped for joy as January 29th approached.

This birthday, however, was one that I anticipated.  Definitely not because I was turning 32 but because we made plans back in September to have a long weekend with our good friends in a nice secluded spot in the mountains.  Thankfully it didn't snow (even though secretly I was hoping to get snowed in for a day or two) and we were able to go on with our plans as scheduled and had a fabulous time. 

The cabin that we had chosen was conveniently located at the tip top of a windy, stomach churning at times, mountain.  But with it being up so incredibly high it proved to have one of the most amazing views.  This was one of those times that I really wish I had a camera that would actually do the scenery justis.
This was the windy road way down below our cabin

This was looking out across Gatlinburg

We had many games and such right at our fingertips to keep us busy and entertained.  The guys were super excited to know that there would be a pool table and frankly I couldn't have been more happy to see the pac-man game.  However, the pool table ended up being a little less than to be desired.  Shiloh was the only one who came up with a great idea of a use for a 5ft pool table.
You can't see it in this pic, but she is snuggled up watching her "toons".  After all, it's her vacation too.

I still can't believe just how quickly vacations come and go and our little weekend definitely flew by way too fast.  But it's so nice to be able to get away for a little peace and quiet with such great company.  And G was already planning our next road trip on the way home.  Oh...and I thought I would give the husband a little props on such a great birthday gift!  How did he know that I would LOVE a Douney & Bourke Mickey/Minnie purse??

I love him and I love that he supports my need to travel.  Here's to many more years of road trips and celebrating birthdays or any other occasion that calls for "getting away".

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Is two a crowd?

"The pretentiously - named ensuite bathroom is a major factor in divorce.  Privacy is paramount in marriage."

I hope I'm not breaking any 'blog etiquette' by writing on this subject but it just came to my attention recently and I'm curious to know how many others this topic effects.  I will do my best to write in a tasteful manner.

When I was young and even as I got older but still lived at home my mom, sister, and I treated our bathroom time as equal opportunity.  If I thought my mom was going to be lingering in the bathroom for a bit (if you know what I mean) then I would go in and talk to her, polish my toe nails, do homework or whatever.  I can't tell you how many life problems were solved while one of us was taking care of other business.  It just wasn't a big deal and to be quite honest it passed the time.  I always thought this was just a normal thing.  It didn't bother me for mom or my sister to come in while I occupied the toilet and in turn I knew they were okay with it as well. I'm married and oh how things have changed.  Usually, when I have to go to the restroom I do so just leaving the door open.  When G moved in and saw what was occuring he decided somethiing was going to have to change.  I finally convinced him that because we only have one bathroom in our house there may be times that I would have to "use" it while he may be, say, taking a shower.  He finally became ok with me using it (if it was going to be quick) only in an emergency.  However, he refused to allow me to do so if I was going to be lingering (if you know what I mean).  He told me, "we don't know each other well enough for that to be okay."  I tried to argue the fact telling him it would make the time pass by faster if he/I had someone to talk to but he just wasn't and still isn't convinced.  From time to time I have tried to go in, leave the door open, and not say anything.  But he senses, (by how long it takes me) no pun intended, what is going on and rushes in to shut the door for me.  Even if he is in another room he still doesn't want to know that I'm in there with the door open.  Now, he always enters into his "bathroom time" armed with his iPad, a toilet reader, or his phone, anything to keep him busy.  I guess that's what passes the time for him because it's definately not my company. 

Now, I don't really care that he doesn't want to come in during my bathroom time and if he truly needs his privacy during his then that's fine too.  I was just curious if this is an issue with every married couple or if this is just something else that will change the longer we're together??

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Giving Up...For A Greater Good

…man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

We are currently going through an “Awakening” at my church and seeing how we can be more obedient to God by sharing His love through our community. One way our Pastor has suggested to get into a humble, selfless mindset is through fasting. You see I, more than anyone, love to eat and when I think of having to give up a meal let alone maybe a whole day of indulging is a little more than my mind can grasp. But why? Why is this even something I’m musing? Of all the ways that Jesus has shown selflessness and faithfulness in my life over and over again, this should be something that I labor to do. To give up one day of one of the things I love would be nothing compared to what He had to give up for me. To be so intently praying and listening to God is a charge that we should be striving for each day.

Now, I have not been known to be nor have I ever claimed to be the best cook around. So, fasting in our house may not be as difficult as in one that inhabits say, a Rachel Ray. In fact I can’t help but thinking back over the days that I have cooked and ruined several dishes that maybe God was just trying to pull me closer to Him. And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink…your Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.

This pizza doesn’t look like a masterpiece, but oddly enough it tasted as well as any frozen pizza can taste. So as with us may we not look at someone on the outside and say they aren’t capable of doing the work God has called us to do. The most incapable person may be able to do greater things than the most capable and qualified one.

This beautiful creation was for a very important Thanksgiving meal at church. I cooked the sweet potato casserole very carefully and then topped it with some marshmallows. When I stuck it in the oven for the marshmallows to be roasted toasted, I mistakingly walked out of the room. When I returned only seconds later and opened the oven door, my beautiful casserole was AFLAME!! I don’t mean that it had some smoke coming from it, I mean the entire dish was flaming. I screamed for G to come in there and in his ever calm, docile manner he casually walks into the kitchen only to find that I was not exaggerating. I quickly and carefully removed the burning dish and salvaged what I could. So, just maybe God was saying do not be concerned over this sweet potato casserole. Cook for my glory 'and all these things will be added unto you.'

I challenge you all (even if your not a member of Union Baptist) to ‘fast’ for a day. Give up something that you think you couldn’t live without and replace it with Jesus time. And all these things may be added unto YOU!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Does a comforter, comfort?

About 3 or 4 months ago I went on the hunt for a new comforter for our bed.  this was right after the wedding so I still had some gift cards to Bed Bath & Beyond that were burning holes in  my wallet.  However, before I even started I was faced with a challenge.  My new husband apparently produces and exhumes heat in his sleep and can only have a comforter that will not encourage this.  I, on the other hand, would buy one with an electric heater built in for myself.  So you can understand the predicament I was obviously in.  If only they made two sided bed covers...hmm, sounds like a patent with my name on it.  Anyway, in a store as big and plentiful as BB&B I was fairly certain I would find something that would suffice.  I searched high and low and looked at literally every comforter, spread, quilt, and blanket in the store but to no avail.  Feeling defeated, I was on my way out when the clearance table caught my eye.  If you know anything about me at all, you know I can sniff clearance tables out from miles away.  I stopped for a quick gander and there before my very eyes was just the thing I had come for.  Alas, my efforts were not in vain...or were they?  This thing was the perfect color, texture, and size and because it was missing the shams, it was an amazing deal!  I snatched it up and ran home to see how amazing it looked on our bed.  No surprise, it did in fact, look amazing.  When G got home he even approved.  So that night when we crawled under our fresh sheets and our brand new comforter I just knew it was gonna be a great night.

Now, sometime during the night I woke up an noticed I was lying under a mound of covers.  Oh well, I was comfortable so I drifted back off.  The next morning when I was questioning G about his nights sleep, he informed me, "This thing is not gonna work." "I sweated all night long and finally had to throw my side over on you."  And I thought it was just fine.  Needless to say, I had to remove the comforter and promised to wait until cold weather to put it back on.

This brings us to current day.  I did put the comforter in question back on the bed (against G's best judgment) a couple of nights ago with the promise to take it right off if a repeat of the first time occurred.  This time I have heard nothing from G, but each night that I've been under this cover I have never been so hot.  I even developed a small heat rash on my neck...WHAT, do things like this really happen??  I slept in short sleeves after having on long sleeves the first night...didn't work.  I turned the fan up a notch...nothing.  You must understand, I have never in my life gotten hot during the night.  So I ask you, could this lovely thing have so forcibly turned on me?  It still resides on the bed for now, but I assure you it's going to have to make some serious changes if it plans on staying there.  Maybe it was just a hot flash...there has to be some optimism here somewhere.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

These Golden Days

This blog was actually written last night, but I was experiencing technical difficulties trying to post it so couldn't do so until today.

In the months before we were married, G and I would catch late night episodes of The Golden Girls. Mostly because it was, for some reason, a favorite of G's and in all reality I would fall asleep anyway so it wouldn't really be worth a protest on my part. It was established very early in our relationship that a late night show of any kind quickly put me to sleep so anything after say 9:00 was usually his pick. To be quite frank I could easily fall asleep during a matinee as well, but I don't like to talk about it. Anyway, the bits of TGG that I would catch in the small chance that I arose from my slumber also enticed me. I was a fan when they were on years ago (G probably wasn't alive then) so I just welcomed the fond memories.

After we got married and lost many of our modern day conveniences, one of them being cable, TGG sadly fell by the wayside. However, with the one luxury that we felt was a necessity to salvage (the internet) I was able to trace down a copy of TGG episodes on Amazon. I mean really, what can't you trace down on Amazon? I, without hesitation, purchased season 1 for G for Christmas (even though we mutually decided not to buy gifts for each other).

I say all that to say this...even though we have no cable and can only get maybe 4 channels if we hold our mouths and the bunny ears in the right positions, we still have TGG! It's our nightly ritual to go to bed watching an episode & yes, as a general rule, it still results in me falling asleep. Sometimes it results in G falling asleep too and since he goes into coma's when he sleeps then I'm the one that wakes at 1 or 2 in the morning to none other than (everyone sing along) "Thank you for being a friend, traveled down the road and back again. Your heart is true, your a pal and a confidant." Turns out when one episode completes, it just repeats the theme song over & over again. FABULOUS!! So even though TGG are witty and most nights entertaining, their theme song has quickly become a thorn in my side...or shall I say, ear. Regardless, I will cherish this bedtime ritual, and always hold a special place for these girls/women in my heart...and bedroom (appropriately speaking, of course). And, since I have blogged my way through tonight's episode, G in fact didn't fall asleep and turned the TV off before a rendition of "Thank You For Being A Friend" even had a chance. It's the small things in life that allow me to think optimistically. :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Where/How to begin?

The last week and a half of my life has brought forth some everlasting changes which I have decided are worthy of blogging about.  I have never blogged before and don't know how it's going to work out, but why not add one more new thing to the mix?

On New Years Eve G (I will use only initials to protect the innocent) and I decided to add to our quiet, peaceful, rested family by adopting a 10 1/2 week old black Lab puppy.  This is not something that we took lightly.  We had been researching, reading, and contemplating which dog would best fit into our tranquil family.  There were many considerations, but after this little lab came to our attention we knew he was the one!  Everything fell into place and on December 31 we drove to Lafollette and brought little Steinway Minor home. now that we have him what do we do with him?  For those of you who have never integrated a puppy into your lives, it's not exactly the easiest feat.  Some friends stepped up with a crate that we could use and we had gotten a bag of food.  Armed with the essentials (as far as we knew) we were ready to begin puppy training.  Much to our surprise our little peaceful, rested family soon turned into chaotic craziness.  We first put the crate in the living room and went to bed for our nights rest.  Soon after, we were woken with a smell that had never filled our house before.  Turns out Labs are 'pack animals' and want to stick close to their family.  So Steinway had relieved himself (in a not so pleasing way) all inside his crate.  That was lesson 1.  We moved the crate into the bedroom and he was content...for about a couple of hours.  We then realized that we were going to have to get up every 2 hours to take this mut outside.  That was lesson 2.  Why did we think potty training was going to be a good idea in January?!?  G and I both armed for the January weather went outside to convince this little puppy that he needed to pee/poop out there.  We did this every night for a week and finally started to see results.  Steinway is starting to go to the door whenever he needs to potty!!  However, we do still get up with him in the night a couple of times.  I thought we got a dog, not a child.  But through it all this dog is our child.  He is who we are excited to come home to, lose our sleep for, and spend our time with.  We take him to family functions and talk about taking him on our vacations.  He has imprinted a paw into both our hearts and is now a part of us.