"The pretentiously - named ensuite bathroom is a major factor in divorce. Privacy is paramount in marriage."
I hope I'm not breaking any 'blog etiquette' by writing on this subject but it just came to my attention recently and I'm curious to know how many others this topic effects. I will do my best to write in a tasteful manner.
When I was young and even as I got older but still lived at home my mom, sister, and I treated our bathroom time as equal opportunity. If I thought my mom was going to be lingering in the bathroom for a bit (if you know what I mean) then I would go in and talk to her, polish my toe nails, do homework or whatever. I can't tell you how many life problems were solved while one of us was taking care of other business. It just wasn't a big deal and to be quite honest it passed the time. I always thought this was just a normal thing. It didn't bother me for mom or my sister to come in while I occupied the toilet and in turn I knew they were okay with it as well.
But...now I'm married and oh how things have changed. Usually, when I have to go to the restroom I do so just leaving the door open. When G moved in and saw what was occuring he decided somethiing was going to have to change. I finally convinced him that because we only have one bathroom in our house there may be times that I would have to "use" it while he may be, say, taking a shower. He finally became ok with me using it (if it was going to be quick) only in an emergency. However, he refused to allow me to do so if I was going to be lingering (if you know what I mean). He told me, "we don't know each other well enough for that to be okay." I tried to argue the fact telling him it would make the time pass by faster if he/I had someone to talk to but he just wasn't and still isn't convinced. From time to time I have tried to go in, leave the door open, and not say anything. But he senses, (by how long it takes me) no pun intended, what is going on and rushes in to shut the door for me. Even if he is in another room he still doesn't want to know that I'm in there with the door open. Now, he always enters into his "bathroom time" armed with his iPad, a toilet reader, or his phone, anything to keep him busy. I guess that's what passes the time for him because it's definately not my company.
Now, I don't really care that he doesn't want to come in during my bathroom time and if he truly needs his privacy during his then that's fine too. I was just curious if this is an issue with every married couple or if this is just something else that will change the longer we're together??
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