Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Giving Up...For A Greater Good

…man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

We are currently going through an “Awakening” at my church and seeing how we can be more obedient to God by sharing His love through our community. One way our Pastor has suggested to get into a humble, selfless mindset is through fasting. You see I, more than anyone, love to eat and when I think of having to give up a meal let alone maybe a whole day of indulging is a little more than my mind can grasp. But why? Why is this even something I’m musing? Of all the ways that Jesus has shown selflessness and faithfulness in my life over and over again, this should be something that I labor to do. To give up one day of one of the things I love would be nothing compared to what He had to give up for me. To be so intently praying and listening to God is a charge that we should be striving for each day.

Now, I have not been known to be nor have I ever claimed to be the best cook around. So, fasting in our house may not be as difficult as in one that inhabits say, a Rachel Ray. In fact I can’t help but thinking back over the days that I have cooked and ruined several dishes that maybe God was just trying to pull me closer to Him. And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink…your Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.

This pizza doesn’t look like a masterpiece, but oddly enough it tasted as well as any frozen pizza can taste. So as with us may we not look at someone on the outside and say they aren’t capable of doing the work God has called us to do. The most incapable person may be able to do greater things than the most capable and qualified one.

This beautiful creation was for a very important Thanksgiving meal at church. I cooked the sweet potato casserole very carefully and then topped it with some marshmallows. When I stuck it in the oven for the marshmallows to be roasted toasted, I mistakingly walked out of the room. When I returned only seconds later and opened the oven door, my beautiful casserole was AFLAME!! I don’t mean that it had some smoke coming from it, I mean the entire dish was flaming. I screamed for G to come in there and in his ever calm, docile manner he casually walks into the kitchen only to find that I was not exaggerating. I quickly and carefully removed the burning dish and salvaged what I could. So, just maybe God was saying do not be concerned over this sweet potato casserole. Cook for my glory 'and all these things will be added unto you.'

I challenge you all (even if your not a member of Union Baptist) to ‘fast’ for a day. Give up something that you think you couldn’t live without and replace it with Jesus time. And all these things may be added unto YOU!

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